SLI Board Marks Transitions
Posted on: June 30, 2024

In April, the Chair of the Board of Directors of Saint Luke Institute, David S.J. Brown, K.M., concluded over 20 years of service in support of our mission. He was succeeded by Christine M. Gill, Esq., who has served 13 years as a member of the Board and the last several years as Vice-Chair. Terrence O’Donnell, K.M., succeeded to the role of Vice-Chair.
Speaking of Mr. Brown’s tenure, Mrs. Gill said “All of David’s fellow Board members are extremely grateful for his many years of service and dedication to the mission of Saint Luke Institute. He never hesitated to take up leadership responsibilities on the Board, heading up both the Finance and Nominations Committees for many years before becoming our Chairman. His faithful leadership has been an inspiration to us all and we wish him well in the years to come.”
Mrs. Gill also gratefully acknowledged the work of other board members who recently concluded their service: Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi and Sr. Ellen M. LaCapria, DC.
Please continue to keep the work of our Board in your prayers.
Board Members
Christine M. Gill, Esq., Chair
Terrence O’Donnell, K.M., Vice-Chair
His Eminence Kevin Cardinal Farrell
Elizabeth Lane Brown, R.N.
Sheila Harron, Ph.D.
RADM James B. Hinkle
Sr. Salvatrice Murphy, DC
Richard D. Milone, M.D., K.M.
Jeremiah Norton
Rev. Quinn Conners, O. Carm., Interim President & CEO, ex officio
Presidents Emeriti and Honorary Members
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, PhD., D.Min.
Rev. David Songy, O.F.M. Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D.