Planned Giving
Your Legacy Strengthens Our Mission
A planned gift to Saint Luke Institute helps sustain our long-term mission of caring for the psychological and spiritual well-being of Catholic clergy and religious, as well as our educational and other efforts to foster healthy ministers for a vibrant Church.
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Planned Giving Options
Estate Gifts for a Sustainable Future
Estate gifts are important to Saint Luke Institute because they provide critically needed funds for endowment, capital projects, or underwriting for new initiatives. These include research, treatment, or education programs that promote the health and well-being of women and men religious, clergy, and others involved in church ministry.
Your Will or Revocable Trusts
The most common form of an estate gift to Saint Luke Institute is a specific bequest in a Will or Revocable Trust. In addition to providing critically needed funds to support our mission, a contribution to Saint Luke Institute qualifies for an estate tax charitable deduction. Please consult your attorney. Saint Luke Institute representatives are available upon request to confer with you or your attorney.
Sample Bequest Wording
I bequeath [(dollar amount) or (specified stocks or bonds) or (all or percentage of the rest, residue, or remainder of my estate computed prior to provision for estates taxes)] ______________ to Saint Luke Institute, 8380 Colesville Rd, Suite 300, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910 (Tax ID 52-1082730) to be used for its general purposes.
You may also designate gifts through your Will or Revocable Trust for specific purposes such as the Saint Luke Institute Endowment Fund or a program. Please contact Saint Luke Institute for additional information.
Gift of Insurance, IRAs, or Retirement Accounts
Insurance policies may be donated by designating Saint Luke Institute as the beneficiary or a particular beneficiary. You may also designate Saint Luke Institute as the beneficiary or particular beneficiary of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), or other retirement accounts.
Identify Saint Luke Institute, 8380 Colesville Rd, Suite 300, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910 (Tax ID 52-1082730) as the beneficiary on the beneficiary form available from your plan administrator or account representative.