SLI Hosts Reception at U.S. Bishops Conference
Posted on: November 17, 2024
Staff of Saint Luke Institute (SLI) from Silver Spring and Baltimore, Maryland, as well as from Louisville, Kentucky, gathered with bishops from across the country at a reception organized by SLI at the Plenary Assembly of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in Baltimore. The reception was held on November 13.
The event provided an opportunity for bishops to hear first-hand about the integrated mental health and spiritual care services available to priests, seminiarians, women and men religious at SLI, while providing time for them to meet and greet SLI staff and ask questions or receive consultations. Rev. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., Interim President and CEO of Saint Luke Institute, spoke about the range of SLI’s therapeutic services, including the intensive outpatient program, as well as individual and group outpatient services.He emphasized how all of SLI’s clinical programs offer integrated spiritual care, bringing together the best of contemporary medical and psychological approaches and long-standing spiritual practices in the Catholic tradition. Fr. Conners also spoke about SLI’s continuing education efforts, both in-person through expert presentations to church groups, religious communities, diocesan leaders, and at national conferences, as well as through our online learning platform, SLIconnect.
Emily Cash, Psy.D., Director of Saint Luke Center in Louisville, Kentucky, also spoke about candidate assessment services for seminarians, deacon candidates and those entering religious life.
“This reception was an opportunity for SLI to share directly with our bishops the depth of experience and dedication to the mental health and well-being of clergy and religious they will find in our services, as well as the many positive outcomes our comprehensive care provides. Working together with our bishops SLI is fostering healthy ministers for a vibrant Church,” said Marc DelMonico, Ph.D., Director of Education & Communications, who organized the event.
Featured image (right): Rev. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D. speaks to the bishops at the reception about our clinical and educational services. Image (below): Emily Cash, Psy.D. speaks to the bishops gathered at SLI’s reception about SLI’s candidate assessment program.