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Boulder Bridge in Rock Creek Park at the border of Silver Spring, MD and Washington, D.C.

Silver Spring, MD

Saint Luke Institute

The hub of our international network of care, providing intensive outpatient care, outpatient services, candidate assessment, spiritual care and ongoing education for ministry.

Ohio River

Louisville, KY

Saint Luke Center

Offering candidate assessments for priesthood, diaconate and religious life, as well as outpatient mental health services, spiritual direction for Catholic clergy, religious, and laity, and ongoing education for ministry.

Baltimore Pagoda in Patterson Park flanked by cherry trees in bloom

Greater Baltimore, MD

Caritas Counseling Center

Offering outpatient therapy, spiritual direction and candidate assessment for clergy and religious.


Manchester, UK

St. Luke’s Centre

An independent international mental & spiritual care center promoting the health and well-being of Roman Catholic clergy, women and men religious, and candidates for ministry in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and other English-speaking countries.