SLI donors share why they support the essential work of Saint Luke Institute
Your Gift Makes the Difference
Your time and financial gifts make our ministry possible. Our partnership in faith promotes healing in the Church now, and a healthier Church for tomorrow.
Donate Online
Make a regular one-time or recurring donation safely and securely online via credit or debit card.
Check by Mail
Make a regular one-time or recurring donation by completing this form and enclosing a check.
Stocks & Bonds
Gifts of long-term, appreciated stocks and bonds can provide a double benefit: donors may be eligible for both a charitable tax deduction for the value of the securities on the day of transfer, and they may not be responsible for taxes on any gains from the time the stock was acquired.
Charitable IRA Transfers
Donors age 70 1/2 or older can transfer a contribution each year directly from a traditional IRA account. This may satisfy a portion or all of the annual required minimum distribution (RMD) and serve as a qualified charitable distribution for your IRA, which can decrease your tax burden even if you are no longer itemizing deductions.
Donor Advised Funds
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic giving vehicle that provides an immediate tax benefit to you, and allows you to recommend grants to charities of your choice over time.
Together, we strengthen the church
Intensive Outpatient Program
Treating the whole person—physically, mentally, and spiritually—in a supportive environment
Offering expert guidance to bishops, major superiors, and other Church leaders worldwide
Candidate Assessments
Ensuring well-grounded, mature candidates for priesthood and religious life
Assessing leadership challenges and providing expert, confidential advice
Outpatient Treatment
Helping clients navigate daily struggles in a safe, supportive environment
Online Education
Supporting healthy life and ministry with practical, skills-based resources