SLI on the Road
Presentation on Intimacy
Emily Cash, Psy.D., Director of Saint Luke Center, Louisville, Kentucky, will offer an in-person presentation to Third Theology students at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology.
Presentation: Interpersonal Listening Skills
A presentation to deacon candidates of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis by Rev. Michael Ritter, M.Div., M.S., Pre-Doctoral Intern.
Presentation: Weathering Transitions
An in-person presentation with time for individual consultation with a religious community by Emily Cash, Psy.D., Director of Saint Luke Center, Louisville, Kentucky.
Presentation on Grief
An in-person presentation with time for individual consultation with a religious community by Emily Cash, Psy.D., Director of Saint Luke Center, Louisville, Kentucky.
Presentation: “Boundaries in Preaching” at Chapter of Dominican Friars of St. Albert the Great Province
A presentation as part of the annual gathering of the Dominican Friars of St. Albert the Great Province by Fr. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., Interim President & CEO of Saint Luke Institute.
Presentation: Integrating Sexuality in Religious Life
A presentation to the Washington Area Formators Network (WAFN) by Fr. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., Interim President & CEO of Saint Luke Institute.
Presentation: Weathering Transitions
An in-person presentation at Our Lady of Grace Monastery by Emily Cash, Psy.D., Director of Saint Luke Center, Louisville, Kentucky.
Presentation: Integrating Sexuality in Religious Life
A presentation to the European novitiate for the Carmelites by Fr. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., Interim President & CEO of Saint Luke Institute.
Presentation: Integrating Sexuality in Religious Life
Fr. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., Interim President & CEO of Saint Luke Institute, will offer a presentation to the postulants of the Franciscan Friars OFM Our Lady of Gudalupe Province.