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Strategies for Addressing Trauma in Ministry
In this article, Stephen T. Carroll, Ph.D., L.C.P.C. addresses trauma broadly across the life span of a priest or religious, but emphasizes the unique implications of trauma for people in formation.
Warmest Wishes for Emily Ray, Ph.D.
The staff and community of Saint Luke Institute wish Dr. Ray well as she steps down as Director of Clinical Services.
Recent Webinar: Emily Cash, Psy.D., Highlights Intervention Strategies for Internet Pornography Addiction
With the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, we have seen the rates of internet pornography rise consistently across society. Increased accessibility accompanied by anonymity has impacted our understanding of…
Dr. Joseph Collins Retires After Decades of Compassionate and Person-Centered Care
Speaking at his retirement event, Dr. Collins emphasized how the care approach at SLI featured three “C”s – compassion, commitment, and consecration.
SLI Board Marks Transitions
In April, the Chair of the Board of Directors of Saint Luke Institute, David S.J. Brown, K.M., concluded over 20 years of service in support of our mission. He was succeeded by Christine M. Gill, Esq.
Rev. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., named Interim President & CEO of Saint Luke Institute
Fr. Conners, who has been associated with the organization for 27 years, is a recognized expert in mental health care of priests and religious.
Saint Luke Institute President Part of USCCB Roundtable on Clergy Mental Health
Rev. James Garvey, O.Praem., D.Min., highlighted the positive impact of the holistic outpatient care offered to clergy and religious women and men at Saint Luke Institute.
Fr. John Crossin, OSFS, Remembered
Director of Spiritual Care for Saint Luke Institute, Kathleen Hope Brown, D.Min., recently presented at a symposium honoring a late colleague.