Rev. Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., named Interim President & CEO of Saint Luke Institute
Posted on: June 12, 2024
Reverend Quinn Conners, O.Carm., Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist and priest of the Carmelite Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary, has been named as Interim President & CEO of Saint Luke Institute (SLI), the international Catholic education and mental health treatment center.
Fr. Conners, who has been associated with the organization for 27 years, is a recognized expert in mental health care of priests and religious. He started his new role on June 11, 2024, as Reverend James Garvey, O.Praem., D.Min., who had served as President & CEO, stepped down to return to service with his Norbertine community.
Fr. Garvey noted, “It’s been an honor and privilege to work with the talented staff of SLI in carrying out its critical work. I know Father Conners to be an accomplished clinician, and I am confident that SLI will flourish under his leadership.”
Fr. Conners offered his gratitude for the work of Fr. Garvey: “We are grateful to Fr. Garvey for his dedicated time at SLI, especially during a time of transition,” he said. Fr. Conners also noted he looks forward to building on Fr. Garvey’s good work, and that of all the staff at Saint Luke Institute, in advancing its mission: “As I take on this responsibility and work together with our dedicated staff, our focus remains on the quality mental health and spiritual care we provide for clergy and religious.”
Fr. Conners graduated from Mount Carmel College and earned theology degrees from Duke University and The Catholic University of America, a master’s degree from the University of Illinois, and a doctorate in clinical psychology from The Graduate School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has served as Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, as well as Associate Director of Clinical Services at SLI. He has also served his Province as community Prior, director of formation, director of novices, and as Provincial.
Previously a consultant to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Priestly Formation and the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse, Fr. Conners is a member of the misconduct review boards of several Catholic entities. He is also an adjunct clinical associate professor in the School of Theology & Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America. Fr. Conners gives workshops nationally and internationally in the areas of psychology and spirituality, sexuality, vocational discernment, and ongoing formation in the first five years of ordained ministry.
Saint Luke Institute is an independent, international Catholic education and treatment center dedicated to healthy life and ministry for priests, deacons, religious and all church ministers and leaders. The mission of SLI is to bring the healing ministry of Christ through integrated psychological and spiritual treatment and education for those they serve. SLI provides clinical evaluations to identify and recommend mental health treatment, and affordable intensive or traditional outpatient care. SLI also offers education and spiritual wellness programs and provides candidate assessments for those preparing for seminary, diaconate or religious life.
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